Monday, July 23, 2007

Man I love Britney Spears

So one of my favorite passtimes here at the office is to check in on Britney Spears. I find her quite fascinating, and love how she truly epitomizes white trash, just when you think she has done it, she does something crazy like flash her privates to the world, shave her head and check into rehab, and marry a loser backupdancer and have two children 9 months apart. I have included my recent favorite picture of the has- been pop princess. She appears to be enjoying a cigarette while who I can only guess is Tator Tot ( in case you haven't been following Ms. Spears as closely as I have, the media has nicknamed her two sons, Tator Tot and Small Fry) playing in some sort of sandbox in his pampers, while a hastily strewn box of diapers rests in the grass nearby. Now if I am not mistaken, that truly is motherhood at its best.

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